Friday, November 27, 2009

The man in the red shoes

A friend of mine, the gentlemanly half of an old married couple, recently surprised me by saying he feared the rising wave of Mexican and other Hispanic immigrants because if Roman Catholics dominated the U.S., the Pope would take over. We are Episcopalian, I should make clear, so the liturgical differences are relatively small, it is the power structure which governs us that distinguishes from our fellow Ro-Cath’s. My friend’s view, among my circle, is an unusual sentiment to express, especially out loud. With a roll of her eyes, it is also apparent that the lady half of this couple, disagrees with him entirely. She pipes up as a third friend of mine, who is of the Catholic faith and cheerfully reminds us that the Pope is not God but has his frailties like other men, with a “you tell him!” nod. In large numbers this ant-Papist sentiment would be alarming and no doubt in some circles it is. But as I encountered it, it seemed slightly tragic. To be fearful of a Pope in Red Shoes seems an unnecessary burden and anxiety to be carrying. What other visions, altered and redirected might also lighten our being?

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